SONG 6 "Return To Love" 

This visit is of the current age. Humanity seems to have lost consciousness of the common heart and the soul of the whole. Gandhi, Mother Theresa, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., and others have attempted to overcome divisiveness and hate. Joseph Campbell’s writings of the underlying uniformity of the world’s religions may be a harbinger of the gradual mergence of the world’s spiritual doctrines. The messenger calls for humanity to manifest love in action. The concept of heaven is a state of mind. Reconnect and don’t let the light go out.

'The end, the aim, the purpose of life for man is the soul. But the soul must remain a mere symbol until man translates his loftiest imaginings into true, noble impulses and deeds, which shall serve to transmit to others, and to posterity, the flame of immortal life, and so kindle within their hearts the passion for the pure, the beautiful, and the perfect…therein lies the solution, ay, the very nature of the soul.' R. Dimsdale Stocker, The God Which is Man This song is in two parts. Part one the message is heard and understood in many cultures and the struggle to spread this message is great.In part two the music is chaotic representing mankind's struggle and division and mans loss of respect for the planet and each other.

SONG 7 "Ocean OF Light" 

Takes place one thousand years from now. In future generations, humans evolve to manifest the truth that we are beings of light, and light reflects the fundamental force of Love throughout the universe. The sons and daughters of God living on earth perfect the transcendental experience of being free of the three dimensional physical realm to commune in the higher spiritual domain. All humanity is connected, luminous, and free. 

The future of [earth] will doubtless be characterized by the appearance of teachers of religious truth---the fatherhood of God and the fraternity of all creatures. But it is to be hoped that the ardent and sincere efforts of these future prophets will be directed less toward the strengthening of interreligious barriers and more toward the augmentation of the religious brotherhood of spiritual worship among the many followers of the differing intellectual theologies which so characterize [earth]. This song is in three parts. Part one is mankind's first step into "hearing" the message as a whole.Musically it is represented by the verse which is the understanding and the heavy funk chorus as the struggle to "let go". Part two is the musical transition of mans entry into spiritual lenlightenment. Part three, morphs from the rythem of mankind (the heart) into the formless flow of pure spirit and light. The Dream World, the Numinous World. To be continued.......

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